Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Oh Dear Hearts!

Oh Dear Hearts! 

I miss your sweetness, your giggles, your smiles. I miss your ballet dancing, skirt twirling, cape flying, break dancing, fierce posing feet. 

I miss your sweet and excitable voices with stories about your extra special ordinary moments.

I miss cuddling with you and feeling the softness of you in my arms. I miss tickling and laughing with you. I miss the essence of each of you Dear Hearts!

Liam, Evan, Oliviana, Kaydence and Violet! I hold you close to my  even when we are apart! Love, Gramma. 

Thank you God for My Dear Sweet Ones!

Kaydence - all dressed up and no where to go!

Kay and Livi - Stopping to SMELL the FLOWERS!

Beautiful Liam  - Kindergarten Graduation!
At home - Pandemic 2020!

Livi at the Park - Spring 2020

Sweet Evan


Violet - Birthday #1 
Pandemic Zoom Party!!!!

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